پنجشنبه، دی ۳۰، ۱۳۸۹

The Cursed Last Tango in Paris

Some films are cursed. Once you watched them, you will never be the same person again. They chase you, they capture you, they torture you, and they never give you the smallest opportunity to escape. Sometimes you think you have a chance to flee; but at the end of the day you will find that this was just a game the film plays with you by suddenly coming back out of nowhere and pushing your throat more severely than before. You will be cursed to watch the film again and again and again, in the most passionate masochistic way, on and on, until you, your entire being, turns into the film, and your life becomes the film's script.

Take my advice. Don't watch Last Tango in Paris. Don't.

سه‌شنبه، دی ۲۸، ۱۳۸۹

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